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    We all know there are many students who have difficulty learning history and staying on top of U.S. and World affairs. While teaching I found students, who would do little else, slaving away at my review puzzles. I GOT THE MESSAGE!

    Getting your students involved in solving a crossword puzzle can be an entertaining, exciting, and motivating way to boost their learning. To those who say, "It's tough teaching history", here is a practical and fun solution.

    I am now retired after teaching high school social studies for 32 years. I feel my puzzles are a REAL SERVICE TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ALIKE. I specialize in both HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS and FAST SERVICE.


    A sample from any set of puzzles can now be sent to you electronically via PDF files.

    The Table of Contents also lists 7 puzzle sets that contain a sample on this Web Site.


    Multiple copies of any crossword puzzle set are available for handing out to participants of teacher institutes, conferences or conventions.

    For example, each year I make 60 copies of the CIVICS set (on CD's) for an institute for teachers on government put on by the Oklahoma Bar Association.  The institute is lead by an ex-teacher and she hands out copies of this set (plus the puzzle on the Constitution) as complimentary gifts.

    I give the Oklahoma Bar Association a substantial discount for this kind of purchase.  The discount amounts to about 2/3's off the usual price.  I would offer you the same discount on purchases of this kind.


    Also available are multiple copies of a flyer which gives details about these 10 sets of crossword puzzles.  This flyer is designed for teachers to pick up when registering at your various teacher institutes, conferences or conventions.  A copy of this flyer is available if you would like to check it out.


Last modified: June 12, 2015